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Prezzi Libri Ellis Peters Le Cronache

Offerte trovate per Libri Ellis Peters Le Cronache . Trova prezzi & rivenditori dove è possibile acquistare adesso il prodotto.

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Ci sono 21 offerte sottocosto con sconto in corso consigliate.

  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - Continuano le indagini di fratello Cadfael il monaco investigatore più famoso del Medioevo Inghilterra, prima metà del XII secolo. In un caldo pomeriggio d'estate, nella serena atmosfera di un monastero, un monaco sta accudendo al suo «giardino dei semplici», l'orto in cui coltiva le piante medi...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - Con l'arrivo sulle scene di fratello Cadfael, il monaco investigatore dal cuore buono e dal fiuto infallibile, nasce il giallo medievale.\r\n«Ellis Peters era un'esperta di storia del Medioevo, e il cliché della scrittrice isolata e solitaria nascondeva un'intelligenza acuta e uno stile di scrittu...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - Continuano le indagini di fratello Cadfael, il monaco investigatore più famoso del Medioevo.«Ellis Peters è un'esperta di storia del Medioevo, e il cliché della scrittrice isolata e solitaria nascondeva un'intelligenza e uno stile di scrittura impeccabile. Tutti i suoi romanzi sono piccoli mondi...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - Continuano le indagini di fratello Cadfael il monaco investigatore più famoso del Medioevo Inghilterra, prima metà del XII secolo. In un caldo pomeriggio d'estate, nella serena atmosfera di un monastero, un monaco sta accudendo al suo «giardino dei semplici», l'orto in cui coltiva le piante medi...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - In the summer of 1138, war between King Stephen and the Empress Maud takes brother Cadfael from the quiet world of his garden to the bloody battlefield. Not far from the safety of the Abbey walls, Shrewsbury Castle falls, leaving its ninety-four defenders loyal to the empress to hang as traitors. Wi...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - The Sanctuary Sparrow: Sudden drama strikes the Benadictine monastery at Shrewsbury when a young man, pursued by a lynching mob, claims sanctuary just in time to save his life. Cadfael senses the young man's innocence and sets out to solve yet another tangle of human passions where love plays its in...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 0 - ...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - THE HOLY THIEF: At the height of the hot summer of 1144, the abbey at Ramsey is in danger. When heavy rain brings the threat of floods to Shrewsbury and the holy relics must be removed to a place of safety, the subsiding waters reveal a robbery has been committed. The master sleuthing of Brother Cad...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - The cloistered walls of Shrewsbury Abbey have always protected Brother Cadfael from the raging Civil War. But when fighting escalates between Empress Maud and King Stephen, the war takes a deadly step closer to him. Taken prisoner in the battle for Maud's land is Olivier de Bretagne, Brother Cadfael...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - In the summer of 1144, a strange calm has settled over England. The armies of King Stephen and Empress Maud have temporarily exhausted each other. Brother Cadfael considers peace a blessing, but a little excitement never comes amiss to a former soldier and Cadfael is delighted to accompany his young...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - In 1137 the ambitious head of Shrewsbury Abbey has decided to acquire the remains of Saint Winifred for his Benedictine order. Brother Cadfael is part of the expedition sent to her final resting place in Wales, where they find the villagers passionately divided by the Benedictines' offer for the sai...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - In the summer of 1138, war between King Stephen and the Empress Maud takes brother Cadfael from the quiet world of his garden to the bloody battlefield. Not far from the safety of the Abbey walls, Shrewsbury Castle falls, leaving its ninety-four defenders loyal to the empress to hang as traitors. Wi...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 0 - ...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - A Mottisham, in Inghilterra, la famiglia Macsen-Martel, nobilissima ma economicamente a terra, ha deciso di restituire alla chiesa locale l'antico portone gotico asportato all'epoca di Enrico VIII. Secondo una vecchia leggenda, i peccatori che cercano di eludere il proprio destino, rifugiandosi nell...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - In the year of our Lord 1141, civil war over England's throne leaves a legacy of violence- and the murder of a knight dear to Brother Cadfael. And with gentle budstrewn May, a flood of pilgrims comes to the celebration of Saint Winifred at the Abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, carrying with it ma...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - The Pilgrim of Hate: As the pilgrims gather at Shrewsbury, in distant Winchester a knight has been murdered. Among the throng of pilgrims, some strange customers indeed begin to puzzle Brother Cadfael, and as events unfold it becomes clear that the murder is a much less remote affair that it first s...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - Outside the pale of the abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, in September of the year of our Lord 1140, a priestly emissary for King Stephen has been reported missing. But inside the pale, Brother Cadfael's attention is turned on Meriet, a proud, secretive, nineteen-year-old novice who has been deli...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - Saint Peter's Fair is a grand festive event, attracting tradesmen from across England and beyond. There is a pause in the civil war racking the country in the summer of 1139, and the fair promises to bring some much needed gaiety to the town of Shrewsbury. Until, that is, the body of a wealthy trade...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - In 1137 the ambitious head of Shrewsbury Abbey has decided to acquire the remains of Saint Winifred for his Benedictine order. Brother Cadfael is part of the expedition sent to her final resting place in Wales, where they find the villagers passionately divided by the Benedictines' offer for the sai...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - This volume contains three of Brother Cadfael's Chronicles:\n\nST PETER'S FAIR. An unseemly quarrel between the local burghers and the monks from the Benedictine monastery in Shrewsbury over who shall benefit from the levies on Shrewsbury's annual Fair leaves a merchant dead, and Cadfael is summone...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - It is winter 1139 and the tranquil life in the monastery gardens in Shrewsbury is again interrupted by violence. Raging civil war has sent refugees fleeing north from Worcester. Among them are two orphans from a noble family, a boy of thirteen and an eighteen year old girl of great beauty, with thei...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - Quale segreto si può celare dietro la decisione di un ricco feudatario di donare il prorpio castello ai monaci di Shrewsbury? L'inspiegabile avvelenamento di Gervase Bonel, da poco sistematosi presso l'abbazia, giunge a confermare i sospetti di fratello Cadfael. Districandosi tra rancori e gelosie,...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - In un caldo pomeriggio dell'estate del 1138, nella serena atmosfera di un monastero inglese, un monaco sta accudendo alle sue piante medicinali. È fratello Cadfael, un tempo marinaio, poi crociato, ora padre erborista dell'abbazia benedettina di Shrewsbury. Mite, paziente, devoto; un sant'uomo, con...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - In un caldo pomeriggio dell'estate del 1138, nella serena atmosfera di un monastero inglese, un monaco sta accudendo alle sue piante medicinali. È fratello Cadfael, un tempo marinaio, poi crociato, ora padre erborista dell'abbazia benedettina di Shrewsbury. Mite, paziente, devoto; un sant'uomo, con...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - This volume contains three of Brother Cadfael's Chronicles:\n\nST PETER'S FAIR. An unseemly quarrel between the local burghers and the monks from the Benedictine monastery in Shrewsbury over who shall benefit from the levies on Shrewsbury's annual Fair leaves a merchant dead, and Cadfael is summone...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - Il possesso delle reliquie di santa Winfred ha scatenato una controversia tra i monaci benedettini di Shrewsbury e gli abitanti di un pacifico borgo del Galles. Dopo le trattative, e le minacce, a complicare le cose viene scoperto il cadavere di Rhisiart, il principale oppositore dei monaci, trafitt...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - The Sanctuary Sparrow: Sudden drama strikes the Benadictine monastery at Shrewsbury when a young man, pursued by a lynching mob, claims sanctuary just in time to save his life. Cadfael senses the young man's innocence and sets out to solve yet another tangle of human passions where love plays its in...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - In the winter of 1142, snow blankets the Bendictine Abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul causing damage to the guest hall, and the brothers must repair its roof before the danger worsens. The treacherously icy conditions are to prove nigh fatal for Brother Haulin when he slips from the roof in a terr...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - In the winter of 1142, snow blankets the Bendictine Abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul causing damage to the guest hall, and the brothers must repair its roof before the danger worsens. The treacherously icy conditions are to prove nigh fatal for Brother Haulin when he slips from the roof in a terr...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - THE HOLY THIEF: At the height of the hot summer of 1144, the abbey at Ramsey is in danger. When heavy rain brings the threat of floods to Shrewsbury and the holy relics must be removed to a place of safety, the subsiding waters reveal a robbery has been committed. The master sleuthing of Brother Cad...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024
    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - Brother Cadfael sets out to visit the Saint Giles leper colony outside Shrewsbury, knowing that a grand wedding is due to take place at the Abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. As he arrives at Saint Giles the nuptial party passes the colony's gates. He sees the fragile bride, looking like a prisone...vedi resto in negozio.
  • Offerta del 21-06-2024




    Brand: Ellis Peters - - Prezzo spedizione: 2.7 - A late spring in 1142 brings dismay to the Abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, for there may be no roses by June the twenty-second. On that day the young widow Perle must receive one white rose as rent for the house she has given to benefit the abbey or the contract is void. When nature finally com...vedi resto in negozio.
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